Travis Dixon, professor and director of graduate studies in the Department of Communication, will present the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Dean's Distinguished Lecture on Wednesday, March 23, 2022 at 4 pm in Foellinger Auditorium. The event will be livestreamed. A reception will follow from 5-6 pm.
Dixon's lecture, "The Centrality of Media Stereotyping and How It Impacts Us," will provide evidence for the power of media stereotypes and stereotyping over our collective consciousness. Specifically, he will argue that news and race imagery drive political polarization and distort our notions of social reality. His talk will largely focus on the relationship between stereotypical portrayals in the media, crime policy, and political decision-making. The presentation will highlight two decades of research findings that will build a compelling case regarding the importance of assessing racial considerations when trying to assess political opinion.
Professor Dixon is an award-winning media effects scholar who specializes in investigating the prevalence of stereotypes in the mass media and the impact of stereotypical imagery on audience members. Much of Dr. Dixon's work examines racial stereotyping in television news. His more recent investigations scrutinize the content and effects of stereotypes and counter-stereotypes in major news events, social media, and musical contexts. In 2020, he became the first African American scholar inducted as a fellow of the International Communication Association, one of the highest honors in the Communication discipline. Learn more about Professor Dixon and his work here.
Update: watch the recording of Professor Dixon's March 23 lecture here.